It's been a long journey from the then to the now and through the passage of time we learn to heal, forgive, create a better self, liberally use rose-coloured glasses, and ultimately acknowledge our truth, to simply be...
In searching for the path to tell our stories, one crosses many references. Should we start like the Vampire Lestat, penned by his confidante Anne Rice,
“What can I do to put you at ease? Shall we begin like David Copperfield? I am born, I grow up. Or shall we begin when I was born to darkness, as we call it. That's really where we should start, don't you think?”
…or perhaps we should begin the way we remember, for it’s interesting that we live life in a linear fashion … we are born, we grow up, we grow old, we die; however in the journey of our years we remember events and places in a non-linear chaotic mish-mash of details, like the scene in Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams improvises and talks about his deceased wife waking herself up from farting in her sleep; that is truly the crazy shit we remember.
And so here we find ourselves, for if it is true that money makes the world go around; and if it is also true that courtship or the conquest is also universal, then it is also surely true that music is the currency and language that connects and communicates across borders, across races, across cultures, across language, across societies, across tribes.
Music is the one universal construct that is constant beyond the air we breath and the water we take to sustain ourselves…
In late 2021 I started working on a novel about a character whose journey takes him across the world and into circles he could never have imagined existed. It is a story about celebrity, money, power games, and ultimately humility. One mans journey to conquer the world results in him barely conquering himself. Feel free to browse the 'writings' section for snippets that I'll be releasing from time to time.
Throughout my journey I’ve tried to pay it forward, and there’s a number of people whom I’m proud to say that they have their good careers because of my guiding words or opening of a metaphorical door; and in a world of chaos and trouble, maybe, just maybe, I can inspire someone else to not give up on their journey; because in the words of that famous Bard “All the world’s a stage..’.
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